行前調查: SFU 生活機能

本貓貓要去位在 8888 University Dr. W, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 Canada 的 Simon Fraser University 待一會。在行前該要清點一下要準備什麼。


相對於台灣的 110V, 60Hz 電源,加拿大的電源似乎差不多。比較兩者,有幾種說法:
Canada: 120V, 60Hz, Taiwan: 110V, 60Hz
Canada: 110V, 60Hz, Taiwan: 110V, 50Hz
Canada: 120V, 50Hz, Taiwan: 120V, 50Hz
Canada: 110V, Taiwan: 110V

通話的部分準備了 SIM 卡,應該不必買太多網路流量就夠了。



至於洗衣、烘衣,參考 SFU 的價格表,還在合理價格。只要使用 SparkleXpress card,並在裡面儲值就可以使用。價格為:

Laundry TypePrice
Cold wash$1.70 
Warm wash$1.80
Hot wash$1.90
Heavy soil wash$2.00
Dry (60 minutes)$1.70
Dry (top-up)$0.25
以目前查到的匯率,一加幣相當於 23.73 新台幣。這洗衣或烘衣的價格跟台灣差不多,甚至更划算一些。



  • Single bed, desk and chair
  • Closet
  • Chest of drawers
  • Small fridge
  • Linen (bedding/towels)
  • Free high-speed wireless internet access


  • Pay Laundry Facilities in each building
  • Common room lounge and study room per floor
  • Shared gender inclusive washrooms per floor

Located at SFU Residence Phase 2 Building, SFU Guest Accommodations Private Residence Rooms (each room is single-occupancy) are comfortable and clean spaces perfect for groups and individual travelers. The traditional style residence halls have a common lounge with TV, sink and microwave and a study room on each floor. There are several private shared gender inclusive washrooms available on each floor that are equipped with toilets, sinks, and showers.


在 SFU,看上去 Dining Commons 或是 Nesters Market 都是可能的選擇。

Dining Commons

Dining Commons 看起來是自助餐吃到飽,早餐稅前 15.99 加幣 (379 台幣)、午晚餐稅前 22.79 加幣 (541 台幣)。

至於加上稅,目前我找到的說法有 (1), (2)

  • 聯邦政府收取的「商品及服務稅」(Goods and Services Tax, GST)
    聯邦稅(GST)全國統一都是 5% (1)
  • 「省消費稅」(Provincial Tax, PST)
    溫哥華所在的BC省省稅則是 7% (1)
  • 在餐廳吃飯,只需要支付 5% 的聯邦稅 (1)
  • 更多省稅減免,參考 (2)


  • 稅前金額加上 10~20% (1)
  • 稅前金額加上 15~20% (2)

加上稅以及小費大約是 20%,那麼早餐相當於 19.19 加幣 (455 台幣)、午晚餐 27.35 加幣 (649 台幣)。
相較於在台灣,我吃了好一陣子的學餐吃到飽 80 台幣,價格落差很大。

Nesters Market

Nesters Market 像是主打便利的超市,價格似乎偏貴。
在 Reddit 上可以找到對 Nesters market 的抱怨:

“Is anyone else pissed that all they’ve given us for groceries on campus is a Nesters Market? The price gouging is real. Why would they choose such an overpriced and poorly managed chain as the only option for students living on campus? I just went to no-frills in Coquitlam and for $50 I got what would have cost me about $120 at nesters. It’s immoral to price gouge students like that.”

“you’re paying for the convenience of it being on the mountain. Sucks but it is what it is. Especially since it’s basically a monopoly they can do whatever they want. You gotta weigh if the opportunity cost of going to no frills is worth it to you or not.”

“nesters sucks but if you look at all the housing in univercity it’s all pretty expensive:( i guess sfu just thought we would all have meal plans.”

在看到這些評論後,我對於日常消費感到非常猶豫,希望在 SFU 漸少對 Nester 的依賴。
然而到山下的超市採買,像是 Sungiven Foods (Burnaby Greystone Store),儘管距離只有 3.6km,但有點擔心有





雖然不是雨季前往,但還是要重視 Raincouver 的名號,帶傘以及吹風機。




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